KIIT Sustainability


Phone : 0674 2725113 

Welcome to the Sustainability Webpage of KIIT Deemed to be University

At KIIT University, sustainability is at the core of our mission as we strive to create a greener and more eco-friendly future. With a strong commitment to environmental responsibility, we have set an ambitious goal to achieve carbon neutrality by the year 2050. Through a multifaceted approach, we are actively working towards reducing our carbon footprint and implementing sustainable practices across all aspects of campus life. This website serves as a testament to our dedication to climate action and sustainability, showcasing the various initiatives, projects, and research endeavors undertaken by the university. From renewable energy integration and waste reduction strategies to green building initiatives and eco-conscious transportation options, KIIT University is diligently working to pave the way for a more sustainable and environmentally conscious educational institution. Together, with our passionate community of students, faculty, and staff, we are determined to create a lasting positive impact on the planet and inspire others to join the global fight against climate change.
1500000 kWh/year Renewable Energy Produced

Our Solar PV systems support 20% of total daily day-time demand.

Best Energy Efficient Institution

Awarded the Best Performing Institution – Energy Efficiency in the state of Odisha

2000 kg/day of waste converted to bio-gas

Our four bio-gas plants produce 600cc bio-gas per day 

100% zero emission vehicles used for transport

Our transport fleet consist We are completely divested from the fossil fuel industry

Rankings & Recognition