KIIT Sustainability

Funding AgencyUK Research and Innovation – Global Challenges Research Fund with South Asian Nitrogen Hub
Date of Sanction of the Project 2019
PI Prof. Tapan Kumar Adhya (PI) [KIIT School of Bio-Technology]
Societal Impact of the Project

This project has released the ‘National Nitrogen Policy Report: India’ in 2023. The work in this report represents one fruit of this cooperation between policy makers, and of social and natural science researchers in to current nitrogen policies in South Asia providing a foundation to inform future policy development. Apart from its immediate contribution to the South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP) Roadmap for Nitrogen Policies in South Asia, and the GCRF Nitrogen Hub, this document is also an important regional contribution to following up the Resolution on Sustainable Nitrogen Management at United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-4), which was led by India.

The present report will be especially useful as we move forward. In addition to input to SANH, INMS and SACEP, other UN member countries can see comparative data and share lessons. We are celebrating the adoption in February of a new Resolution on Sustainable Nitrogen Management at UNEA-5. This encourages countries‘ to accelerate action to substantially reduce nitrogen waste by 2030 and beyond’. Although Member States did not yet agree to “halve nitrogen waste”, this new resolution is the first time that such a reduction intent for nitrogen waste has been agreed universally by the UN, and it is therefore a major step forward to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The information and the lessons from the present report are therefore very timely in providing support to turn this ambition in to reality.

Contamination testing of Groundwater in Bhubaneswar Urban
Funding Agency

Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)


Date of Sanction of the Project 2019
PI Dr. Kshyana Prava Samal, Project Director

Societal Impact of the Project This research is assisting in determining how ground water quality is affected by population increase, industrialisation, and massive garbage disposal. Additionally, it aids the government in taking the proper safety measures to safeguard groundwater in regions where pollution has already begun. Additionally, it aids in establishing law and order to safeguard groundwater.
Funding Agency Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
Date of Sanction of the Project 2019
PI Dr. Manas Ranjan Behera
Societal Impact of the Project This project was the first in the state of Odisha that offer data on a large scale on various aspects of menstrual hygiene of women and girl and their association with household sanitation in rural areas. This project brought attention that seeks to engage in transformations that can make a real difference to communities. This project was one of the example of dealing with menstruation management and their association with household sanitation among women and girl, working in some of the world poorest settings such as in Odisha. What we learned from this project was already presented in Consortium of Universities Global Health (CUGH), Washington-  international forum of public global health linked to women’s health and menstruation. Also two publications have already made in a peer-reviewed international journal with impact factor of 1.4 and 1.6 that gives societal impact. Readers around the globe reading this publication and citing the research paper for more societal visibility and implications. The project outcomes had also led the way forward engaging key discussion points for the national policy makers, state and local administrator and health managers to devise safe menstrual management and other strategies for better health of the women. In the long run, this project will bring the changes in lives of women with more financial gain that can improve quality of life.